3 Serious Conditions Your Eye Doctor May Spot During An Eye Exam.
When you go in for your annual eye exam in Lexington, OH, you are likely expecting the doctor to primarily look at your vision. However, an eye doctor can catch a lot of other health issues just by getting an up-close look at your eyes. In fact, it is not uncommon for an eye doctor to be the first to recognize signs of serious illnesses and diseases. Take a look at some serious conditions an eye doctor may spot during your eye exam
1. Diabetes
Even if someone who has diabetes has absolutely no symptoms, an eye doctor could still spot the disease in the eye. During a dilated eye exam, the doctor will be examining the backside of the retina. In people with diabetes, the blood vessels that are located here are affected. This may mean the vessels are larger or smaller, or simply look abnormal.
2. High blood pressure
Several things can tell an eye doctor that you have health with high blood pressure. For one, flame hemorrhages may show up, which are bright, bloody spots that take shape on the eye’s surface. Stringy sections of debris that look a lot like wool may also be spotted in the back of the eye. In the most severe cases, the macula may appear swollen or inflamed.
3. Brain tumor
Brain tumors can cause changes in the internal structures of the eye. For one, some tumors put enough pressure on the eye that it causes the optic disc to sell. In some patients, there will be heightened pressure within the eye, which can make the optic nerve take on a different shape. Even though brain tumors are relatively rare, it is not uncommon for an eye doctor to be the first professional to see signs of this worrisome condition.
Ready to visit an eye doctor in Zanesville, Newark and New Lexington, OH?
Has it been a while since you visited a Lexington eye doctor for an eye exam? These annual visits are about keeping tabs on more than just your visual health. If you need to schedule an appointment for an eye exam, reach out to us at Trillium Vision Care.